
How To Find A Lost Diamond In Your House

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Least Obvious place for misplaced rings...

  • Thread starter Mayk
  • Start date
Feb 12, 2011
  • #1
My best friend lost her appointment and wedding home. She is in the middle of defending her dissertation (PhD all simply dissertation). She's been running on almost three hours of sleep for for likewise many months. She is also a full time overdrive is an understatement. She has a addiction of taking her rings off at dwelling and putting them in a dish... In her bedroom. Well when she went to the dish they were non in that location... Flash forrad a couple weeks ... She has turned the house upside down including dismantling her office only to find a pair of earrings. Checked pockets, drains, shelves and yes...even dog poo. :-o ... Black Lab... You lot never know.

My question....

Where hasn't she looked? Did y'all misplace your rings at home somewhere... Nosotros didn't think for her to await...

Side note.., 2d marriage...they've been married since November where she got food poison on their honeymoon and she'south been buried under paperwork since the wedlock, this girl needs a pause! She graduates in August... We hope! Nosotros need to find her rings! Dust PS...I need dust and ideas.

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Jul 13, 2008
  • #2
First obvious question in low-cal of another recent thread.... nobody else has been in the house, right?
Feb 12, 2011
  • #3
sonnyjane|1371002380|3463858 said:
Get-go obvious question in light of another contempo thread.... nobody else has been in the house, right?

Thank you! I did ask her this... No one during the fourth dimension they were misplaced....

Nov 18, 2004
  • #four
Tell her to cheque by Kitchen sink.. She could take them off while unloading groceries??

My other thing, is to expect by the bed with a flashlight...

I haven't lost rings but upon reading after years this is always the best advice...

I am sorry she is stressed with all she has going on...

If need exist go over and aid her search if yous are most by??

Aug 22, 2009
half dozen,006
  • #5
I find things tend to snug up side by side to heavy article of furniture where it makes indents in the carpet. Have her rubberband a sock or pair of nylons over the end of a vaccum hose and then turn information technology on and run information technology all effectually the base of her nightstands/dresser/bed anxiety or frame/where the carpet meets the baseboard (this is bold they have carpeting, of form). Every lost earring back I've managed to observe has been found that way, I can only imagine it would be effective for rings!

I know it's also been a few weeks, only has she checked all of the pockets in her pants, jackets, blazers, etc? I know I'll slip something into a jacket pocket, not wear it for a few days/weeks, so exist surprised to notice it the next fourth dimension I clothing it.

Good luck to her, both with her rings and her defense!

Apr 26, 2007
  • #6
I once found my husband'southward wedding ring in the shower, on top of the dividing wall, in a hotel. It's a skilful thing I'm basically the equivalent of Johnny Mud-Gazer, or that would have been a very lamentable anniversary trip.

Places I take found jewelry belonging to me or loved ones:
- aformentioned shower divider
- soapdish (bathroom and kitchen)
- within of medicine cabinet, randomly hanging out on a shelf
- in the kitchen, on top of the refrigerator and microwave, and in random small dishes on the counter
- on my desk, shoved into the pigeonholes of my desk
- on my workbench, shoved into the holder for my benchpin, on my soldering plate, and in the little dish I utilise for loose stones
- on bookcase shelves. Whatsoever of them.

I will likewise say, I spent YEARS fuming near somebody having stolen stones from my workbench during a party. Only affair I ever had disappear in v raucous years of grad school. Three moves later, I finally found them stashed in my box of dewdrop-setting tools. I have NO Idea how they got there. It gives me promise that anytime I might observe the ruby necklace that disappeared TWO moves ago ....

P.South. - I wish your friend a lot of luck in finding her rings. Having been where she is, I know she doesn't need whatsoever additional stress!!!

ETA: Vc'south mail service in a higher place me reminded me ... I once spent two months mourning a favorite necklace, simply to find it looped around the button of the shirt I'd worn the day information technology disappeared, swinging cavalierly back and forth from a random push button halfway down the breasts. The inconstancy of objects cannot exist underestimated!

Aug 28, 2006
  • #7
Washing machine or dryer. I've slipped things into pockets and and so forgotten about them at wash time. I did this with a bracelet and establish it ages afterward still in the bottom of the automobile. Good luck
Jun half dozen, 2010
  • #8
pantry shelf (took off rings to comb around the canned goods)
laundry room shelf (took off rings to comb around dryer sheets, detergent, stain stick, etc)
the handbag y'all changed out a few days ago
often they only somehow "blend" into the usual "stuff" on your computer desk or nightstand.
Sinks, of form.
I beloved the sock over the vacuum cleaner hose thought.... genius!!!!

Any fourth dimension I lost a contact lens, expect till the house is a bit dark, turn on the flashlight
and scan EVERYWHERE..... information technology lights up !!!

The ane good thing is, if she's sure she lost it in the business firm, then it'south There.... somewhere....

Practiced luck to her, I know the feeling of "I've lost my mind!" :errrr:

Feb 12, 2011
  • #9
Thanks for all the awesome ideas... I sent her the link...
Oct 20, 2007
  • #10
In the trash. I recently threw away my engagement band away, quite past blow I assure you. We spent hours looking everywhere including in the vacuum cleaner grit, litter box, yous name it, nosotros looked. It was in the trash can in the kitchen.
Sep 3, 2009
  • #12
In the trash. I recently threw abroad my date ring away, quite by accident I assure you lot. Nosotros spent hours looking everywhere including in the vacuum cleaner dust, litter box, you name it, we looked. Information technology was in the trash can in the kitchen.

If it hasn't been collected, excellent thought. Icky, just go through the sacks & check into any packages or numberless in there. I threw away a wonderful pair of pearl earrings I bought in Japan when they got tangled up with a slice of kleenex on my dresser. Unfortunately didn't realize it until the garbage human being had come & gone.
Aug 25, 2009
  • #thirteen
Does she have excerise equipment? I'grand famous for removing my rings at the gym and putting them in the water bottle holder. I can't tell you how many overnice people accept chased me down to return them (merely so again I as well lost one that way :blackeye: ).

Other then that i would check the bath and kitchen sinks....

I'm sorry for your friend. I"m hoping they were at least insured?

Jul 28, 2007
  • #fourteen
Freezer. I one time had a loose fitting band that I lost, and somewhen constitute it inside a bag of frozen peas in the freezer! I have no thought how it got there (though I confess that I tend to scoop frozen peas out of the bag and onto the plate with my paw, because my DD is a pea-eating machine, and then information technology probably merely slipped off my finger during one of our hurried microwave dinner nights!)
Sep 19, 2012
  • #xv
I thritto the use of a flashlight...It's helped me find jewelry in places that I had already checked twice earlier.

Once I put my band on my bedside table (normally I put it in its box) and in the morning information technology wasn't there. I had managed to hit it either with the duvet or my manus/arm and it flipped waaaaay under the bed, tucked upward against the wall. Massive panic until I found it.

Some other time, in a hotel, I put my ring into my pearl earrings box, which went into my toiletries case which went into my suitcase...when we were packing up in the morning and I couldn't find, once more, nosotros had to tear that room apart. Checking my earrings box was the least obvious place for me (though at the time, I idea I would of course remember that I had put it at that place).

I'chiliad sure information technology volition plow up for her! Fingers crossed.

May 15, 2009
  • #16
I think immobile objects becoming mobile is one of the almost perplexing problems in life. I tend to be scatter brained when I'm tired or accept a lot of things on my heed. It sounds like she's having the same problem. I bet she'll discover them.

Has she checked her car? I stick my rings in the loving cup holder while I put lotion on my hands. That'due south e'er the beginning identify I wait when they are missing. Also, between and nether the seats?

By the bathtub or shower? I once lost a necklace for a few months. It turned upwardly in the basket used for washcloths by the bathtub. Almost everything that falls to the floor in my bathroom ends up in the corner between the vanity and the floor.

Drawers? Boxes? I've had rings fall off while earthworks though a box and I presume the same thing could happen with a drawer.

Does she accept a nerdy friend with a metal detector? She could bank check the business firm with information technology.

Living room/media room? Amusement centre? book shelves? desk-bound? between the couch cushions?

Nighstand? I've left my jewelry there many times. Also, cheque the sheets and bedding carefully. Annihilation left by the bed tends to drift to the bed - in or nether?

Kitchen? Sink? Does she wear gloves? I've had a ring slide off into a glove earlier and I probably wouldn't recall to await in the gloves I use for cleaning. Trash? (earlier this calendar week I was in the bathroom thinking about elimination the trash only instead took my towel to the kitchen and threw it in the trash bin) Drawers? Window sill? Microwave? Fridge?

Pockets? Too a popular place for me to stash jewelry and forget.

Purse, wallet and luggage? I packed a pair of earrings in a purse coming back from a trip and I notwithstanding tin can't detect them. I judge security might accept liberated them just I honestly think they are hiding in a pocket somewhere.

Does she have pets? Wagging tails and curious kitties knock things effectually.

I've found an earring laying on the ground by my car and I found someone else's band in the parking garage once.

Closet? Inside a shoe? Inside a sleeve?

Aug 5, 2010
  • #17
My places are any where shut to kitchen sink or dishwasher if I'm putting away clean dishes; medicine cabinet, shelf or edge of sink in bathroom; bedside table; dorsum yard table if I'thou outside and suddenly get a hankering to garden; car - in the cupholders if I'1000 out driving and all of a sudden don't like the way my rings experience. On rare occasions, in my purse.

Yeesh, I hope she finds them. :errrr:

Jul 7, 2011
  • #19
If any of the diamonds fluoresce, possibly she can search with a UV flashlight around the house when information technology's dark.
February 3, 2008
  • #20
Tell her to stick her hands down into the sides of the couch, and to accept her bed apart in case they are hung upward on the railing of her bed. Particularly if she ever takes off her rings while in bed. This girl sounds tired!
May 23, 2010
half dozen,731
  • #21
Sometimes things fall downwardly and go kicked when people walk by.

Merely about times, information technology was in the place it should be, but overlooked.

My DD was looking for a necklace the other day, and said she checked all her purses and didn't find it. Of form, I establish information technology in a bag (she only thought she had looked through them all, worry is very distracting) right where she said information technology was.

Mar 8, 2010
  • #22
I lost my ring under the flap of the computer... it covers where the USB/flash cards go. We never close it then I never thought to wait nether information technology. Blast at that place it was.

I hope she finds it. I have a pretty stress free life and I was stressed when I couldn't find it

Oct viii, 2011
  • #23
I keep the blings i often wear in one large leather box. Just minutes ago i opened the box to bank check out the Fly only to detect that ALL rings were gone. Turned out i took them out for an orange degreaser bath. Has she looked at where she keeps her cleaning tools?
Mar 25, 2013
  • #24
if she had time to melt in that pre-lost chaos, tell her to check the freezer. Twice, I've found rings in my freezer.
one time, i was wearing a looser ring and it slipped of my finger into the side crevice (of the shelf)

second time, i was chopping vegetables for dinner the adjacent night (one pot wonders!) and ended up finding my ring inside of information technology mmoments earlier I started cooking it.

now I never wear my things in the kitchen.

February 12, 2011
May 23, 2005
  • #26
The only other place I can add together is: does she garden, or at least h2o plants? I detest unremarkably-sized rings and then mine are quite loose, and one time my hands become wet, my rings are very slip-offery (TM). Maybe she put them somewhere when doing a watery sort of chore??

NB: Laundry or kitchen could also work in this instance, but they've been mentioned earlier, and so hopefully this *might* trigger some other memory?

May 11, 2012
  • #27
My practical side (the non getting vibes from the Universe side) says look under the bed, since she puts them side by side to the bed this seems like a feasible identify to look... The vibes from the Universe side says "check the desk" or something like a tabular array she uses as a desk-bound where bills and mail and paperwork is kept. Could at that place be draws in the desk she hasn't looked in or envelopes or items similar that on the desk it could have gone into by accident?
Jul 26, 2008
  • #28
Do her rings fit loose?They may hav come up off in a weird time if and so. I had a friend loose her rings because they slung off her hand when she was putting away groceries. Found them backside a shelf/cabinet in the kitchen 2 months later.
Jul 27, 2005
  • #29
I misplaced my east-ring for near a month and it was in a pocket in my pocketbook- an external pocket held closed by a magnetic snap. I tore my firm autonomously looking for it...
February eight, 2003
  • #xxx
Has she checked under bookcases? Whenever we move ours, we find a lot of items take accumulated from rolling or being bumped under.
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